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Besides cheating, What reasons would someone decline a marriage proposal from someone they loved?

Besides cheating, What reasons would someone decline a marriage proposal from someone they loved?

I recently came across this question and I thought to share – “Besides cheating, what other reasons would someone decline a marriage proposal from someone they loved?” Gehn gehn, never thought of this before right?

After he took the bold step of faith and has decided to pop the big question in front of family and friends or probably he asked in front of a flash mob only for him to get the answer No. #heneverexperridit


This question isn’t for the ladies alone. It’s a two-way question. For men, the question should be – “What would make you tell a lady you have proposed to that you can’t marry her anymore?

Hmm, awkward right? Yeah! It is. I believe that a relationship shouldn’t get to this level (proposal/engagement) before it dawns on you that you would not want to spend the rest of your life with him/her but then again “A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage.

There is a need to constantly evaluate your relationship. Constant evaluation ensures that you arrive earlier at this decision that though you love him/her you wouldn’t want to spend the rest of your life with who they are. If the decision is inevitable there is no need to stall. While courtship/engagement is a stage to carefully/prayerfully observe, you shouldn’t be in courtship with someone that you don’t envision yourself getting married to. So do the check well in your Spirit before proceeding into a relationship but if you get the warning bells while in the relationship it’s not too late to pull out.

I got some awesome answers to this question –


Catastrophic lies that make me feel betrayed


Health issues – she got some aids thingy…your boy ain’t doing. Genotype – My child can’t be a sickler…Hell no! Family background – I would research into her families background before I commit and if I find out at some point that there is something like a family curse or her family is involved in fetish stuff I won’t go ahead, of course, if she isn’t involved in all of this I can.”


“If he ain’t a CHRISTIAN. In true sense of it except the HolySpirit says no I can’t think of any other reason why I shouldn’t accept his proposal”


Attitude – if he isn’t caring or he is stingy

See Also

I would list four things I think should be a deal breaker for anyone in a relationship. No one is perfect, therefore I believe there are certain things that can be worked on in a relationship. Also what may be a deal breaker for another may not be a deal breaker for you. Yet, I believe that there are common deal breakers. Such deal breakers irrespective of the love you feel for the individual involved should not be ignored. If you notice any of these please run or at least – pause, breath and think again.

God-Factor – The first deal breaker for me would be the God-factor. Although, I am wondering how it got to the proposal stage if he/she didn’t have the God-Factor in place earlier on. I am not referring to a Lady/Guy who claims to be a Christian – Let me see the love of God at work in your life.

The scripture Amos 3:3 is clear when it says “Can two work together, except they are agreed?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 gives a clear instruction about this also “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Emotional Abuse – Emotional abuse can be draining! Emotional abuse is the use of words to cause emotional turmoil for an individual causing such an individual to experience feelings of insecurities, low self-esteem, fear, lack of confidence…Individuals that abuse others emotionally often have insecurities or have being abused earlier in their childhood and you may not want to share in their baggage except they are willing to change and they sincerely change.

Physical Abuse – If he/she abuses you physically by inflicting injuries or causing you the pain of any form, plzzz there is nothing to think about. Don’t even think about it! Walk away! Many have died on this road. Don’t sign up for an untimely death.

Immaturity –  Immaturity is when the other party is oblivious to the needs of his/her partner and is more focused on themselves. Immaturity is like being a baby in your relationship without wanting to assume full responsibility especially if you are the Man of the Relationship. You want to be doted on but you aren’t ready to reciprocate the love and attention. You do not take the time required to invest in your partner or understand your partner but you expect to be understood. With relationships comes great responsibilities. An immature person is one who refuses to take responsibility in a relationship or own up to their discrepancies. We each have our responsibility in a relationship as a Lady or a man.

There are other deal breakers besides these ones that I have listed, Let’s hear from you – Besides cheating, what other reasons would you decline a marriage proposal from someone you love? What would make you say though you love this person you don’t think that you would want to spend the rest of your life together with them?

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