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10 Ideas For Making Your Workers Feel Appreciated

10 Ideas For Making Your Workers Feel Appreciated

Showing appreciation to others doesn’t only make the receiver glad, but it also makes us glad. When we show appreciation to someone, we make that person feel loved and valued. We recognize the good things that person has done and commend them for it.

As a business person or an employee, you can show appreciation to your workers, and make them know they are important to your business, or that you appreciate them for being good employees.

Showing appreciation doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive; you can show appreciation in an inexpensive way as well.

In addition, appreciation needs to be sincere, and shown, and not just lip service.

Benefits of showing your employee appreciation:

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  • It shows that you care about them.
  • It makes them feel motivated to do more.
  • It increases job satisfaction
  • It fosters better teamwork, and so on.

And so, here are 10 ideas for making your workers feel appreciated:

  1. You can say it in words: you can easily walk up to your workers and tell them that they are appreciated and important to the business and that their efforts are recognized and appreciated. Your workers will be glad and feel motivated. There is need to recognize the efforts of others and tell them you appreciate their efforts.
  2. You can say it in writing: you can give your workers hand-written notes or cards to appreciate them for good job they did. Handwritten notes are very effective, and they pass a lot of messages, and people hardly throw away handwritten notes.
  3. Say thank you: say thank you to your employees. Thank them for the act of kindness they do, thank them for tasks they helped you out with, and so on.
  4. Bonus: you can also give your employees bonus. This might also make them feel appreciated and remembered by you.
  5. Spend time with them: you can decide to come to where their offices are and spend time with them doing their work. They would feel appreciated by you coming down to their office to spend time with them working.
  6. Take them out: you can also take your employees out for lunch or for a conference or seminar that will be of benefit to them and their career.
  7. Send it as an email: sending an email to appreciate them also can make them feel appreciated. You can also decide to personalize the emails and send it to each individual.
  8. Awards: you also give out awards or medals to employees who performed well or employees who went the extra mile in getting something done for the organization. This will also motivate the employees to do more, as well as motivate others to go the extra mile as well.
  9. Retreats: you can also take your employees out for corporate retreats where they can rest and relax.
  10. Give them more opportunities to grow their skills: you can also provide in-house training opportunities for employees to learn and upgrade their skills. In addition, you can give your employees opportunities to go out for training to help develop their skills.

Do you have more ideas on how to make your employees feel appreciated at work? Please let us know in the comment box below, thank you!

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