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People Don’t Always Have To Agree With Me, And It’s Okay

People Don’t Always Have To Agree With Me, And It’s Okay

Whenever I say things and people bluntly disagree with them, I feel a little bit down. I mean, how can I express what I truly feel and think is true, and someone else just tells me it’s wrong or they don’t like it?

I used to fight this a lot! If I thought the colour of the dress should have been in blue (with strong points to back it up), and someone tells me that my judgment about the dress was wrong, and it should have been in yellow instead; I immediately feel slighted.

If I felt the movie should have ended in a certain way and not abruptly like it did, and someone said no, the movie is perfect the way it ended; then I’d feel like the other person is opinionated. Such an irony.

This kept on for a while, and it made me upset at people over irrelevant things that we didn’t come to the same conclusion or agreement about. Little did I know that it is not everyone that will agree with me on things every time.

People are different, and we all have our perceptions, differences, and peculiarities. One needs to learn this. Not everyone will like your favourite colour or hairstyle, not everyone will think that colour suits you best. That’s fine anyway, so far as you are doing the right things and you are true to yourself.

When you go about thinking everyone has to agree with you on your choices or judgments, then you need to have a rethink. If you are right about a matter, not everyone will think so. And so, don’t expect everyone to. Sometimes, if you expect everyone to agree with you on every matter, you might get stressed out.

Therefore it is important to differentiate between opinion and fact. If a wall is painted white; it is what it is. It is white; that is a fact. That is objective. However, if someone comes along and says that he genuinely thinks the wall is grey, even when the wall is white, then the person is stating his/her own opinion. That is subjective.

We all remember the dress that broke the internet


Remember the dress that broke the internet?

Many were of the opinion that the dress was gold and white and others believed it was blue and black. As insignificant as the colour of a dress was, it broke the internet and caused a scuffle amongst friends.  In life, and in different aspects of it; there will be several opinions and coming from different people, how we handle them to make a huge difference.

Knowing that people are different and may sometimes have distinct opinions isn’t enough. It is important to learn how to handle such differences.

Take for instance, if you are part of a team at work and you were required to work closely with every member of the team on the project at hand; you need to get along with them.

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What if you are working on a design and you choose a certain type of design because you believe it fits the clients need; however, the rest of the team opt for another design because they are so sure that is better, how would you handle that?

Knowing how to recognize and handle differences is an important part of a team, community, group, or people. This is what brings productivity and group harmony.


How do you handle differences among a group or team? Drop your comments below.

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